A Piece of the Pie--- work in progress---                  

Gross Domestic Product Study 1950-2001
22" diameter x 3" (freestanding)
found metal and glass
Brent Bukowski 2005

(Private Collection)

Pat Forsyth photo

Gross Domestic Product Study 1950





(million 1990 international Geary-Khamis dollars)

Africa 203 131 1 222 577
Asia 983 737 14 105 724
Former USSR 510 243 1 343 230
Latin America 415 907 3 087 006
Eastern Europe 185 023 728 792
Western Offshoots 1 635 490 9 156 267
Western Europe 1 396 188 7 550 272

   31 864 149

% change from 1950 to 2001




The World Economy :Historical Statistics, Development Centre Studies,. OECD, 2003, 273 p. MADDISON A.